Monday, February 1, 2010


/Gayanendar Singh yadav

Dear Achiever,
Achiever's always follows the path of innovation. What we learn today, other adopt tomorrow. In the extension of that series here we are introducing how to “Win Over Words” i.e. “WOW Technique” to learn High Frequency words. This is giving stupendous results in exam. Applying "Wow Technique" you can memorise words very easily.

What is Memory?
Memory is the retention of, and ability to recall, information, personal experiences, and procedures (skills and habits). It is connection of new picture/thoughts/information with the picture/thoughts/information which already stored in brain/mind.

Subjectivity in remembering involves at least three important factors:
>> Memories are constructions made in accordance with present needs, desires, influences, etc.
>> Memories are often accompanied by feelings and emotions.
>> Memory usually involves awareness of the memory (Schacter 1996).

How our brain works?
Let us understand the structure of the brain of a human being........
Your brain is divided into two hemispheres, the right and the left. Just as you favor your left or right hand, you also favor the right or left hemisphere of your brain. The left hemisphere interprets details and reasoning, while the right hemisphere interprets information through visual or creative cues.
Left brain generally governs the use of language, mathematical computation and other orderly conceptual or abstract analysis. The right brain is generally superior in tasks involving spatial relationships, activities involving visualization and movement and skills such as mechanical ability.
Therefore, as much as we try to memorise words by way of associating it and making it ridiculous, greater opportunity we we'd have to learn, maintaining the genuine sense of the world.
Let's start this magical journey to of learning Words@Picture through "Win Over Words" a scientific approach to memorize words, using subconscious mind.

How to use this Magical Book?
>>>> Read, understand and absorb the story of each words and the try to correlate with photographs.
>>>> STOP for a moment.
>>>> Read the examples, then go for synonyms, antonyms and Word Family, Roots etc...
>>>> GO FOR TEST. There are some words and five options. It is up to you to find antonyms of each word.
So let us begin …
Wishing you all the best

Team Achievers Point

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